Anatomy of a Conspiracy Theory: The Wayfair Child Trafficking Scheme

The Theory: A major retailer "covertly" offers children and teenagers for sale on its website by overpricing and naming certain items in such a way that pedophiles will instantly recognize what's really being offered. Origin: This theory started on Reddit's r/conspiracy subreddit. A July 9th post by user PrincessPeach1987 noted that online retail furniture/housewares company... Continue Reading →

The Pillow Prophet, the Poop Shaman and the Rise of Faith-Based Marketing

If you've listened to talk radio at all in the last 10 years, you've heard ads and plugs for MyPillow®. This is a pillow that is said to be so supportive and so sleep-friendly that it might be the most comfortable pillow on the market. Radio hosts hype this thing like it's going to end... Continue Reading →

The OTHER Guy Who Accused Joe Scarborough of Murder

Remember that time Joe Scarborough killed an intern and we all forgot about it? Yeah, neither did I. When Donald Trump started tweeting some very strange things about the co-host of MSNBC's Morning Joe earlier this month, my response was the usual What the hell is he even talking about? It's not the first time... Continue Reading →

The Skeptical Cinephile: A Review of “Over a Barrel” (Documentary)

In September of 2019, Alberta premier Jason Kenney announced the establishment of a public inquiry into the sources of funding behind anti-pipeline activism in the province, as well as the opening of a digital tipline to which citizens can report suspected instances of foreign funding of such activism. It was a bizarre and costly decision... Continue Reading →

The Pizzagate Timeline (Pizzagate: Attack of the Satanic Gay Pedo Cannibal Democrats Part II)

There were three main phases in the development of Pizzagate, each involving distinct (yet interlinked) entities on social media. Phase I (early July to late October 2016): Hints of "something big" involving Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and child trafficking show up on 4chan, the YouTube channels of pseudo-Anonymous groups, and other lesser-known online forums. At... Continue Reading →

Pizzagate: Attack of the Satanic Gay Pedo Cannibal Democrats

PART I: Overview (Updated October 2022) The 411 and the Major Players Six years have passed since Pizzagate blew up all over social media, and most sources critical of Pizzagate use the past tense, telling you that Pizzagate was a theory that emerged during the 2016 presidential race, that people believed Hillary Clinton was involved in a vast... Continue Reading →

2014: The Year in Psychic Fail

It's that time of year again: Time to review some of the psychic predictions made for last year. Sylvia Browne is out of the picture now, but as Illuminutti has pointed out, she made one last set of predictions that turned out to be very wrong. How did the upstart psychics fare? Nikki, "Psychic to... Continue Reading →

Wednesday Weirdness Roundup: Stolen Imaginary Friends, Bigfoot Bears, & The Clinton Chronicles Redux

With the recent passing of British comedian Rik Myall, you might have had nightmarish flashbacks to one of the most astoundingly awful films of recent decades: Drop Dead Fred. Or maybe you had fond flashbacks, because you were one of the people who cherished that movie. But did you know that the movie's title character... Continue Reading →

Sandy Hook Truth, 9 months later

It has been about seven months since I first looked at the Sandy Hook Truth movement, an assortment of individuals who believe they have uncovered evidence of labyrinthine conspiracies behind the Newtown, Connecticut school massacre. These intrepid investigators have had nearly nine months to crack the case wide open and tell us who really did... Continue Reading →

Wednesday Weirdness Roundup

The Black Death was caused by aliens, the UN hates your herb garden, and robots want to sexually harass you. Happy Wednesday! This week's Tea Party lesson: The best way to forestall thuggery is to become a thug. Many believe the UN's Agenda 21 environmental sustainability program is the uber-conspiracy to end all conspiracies. According... Continue Reading →

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