Wednesday Weirdness Roundup: Ghost Sex, Celebrity Hauntings, and a Convenient Demon

This week, I'm going to labor the point that today's celebrities just can't seem to come up with anything original - even in the supernatural realm. In 2011, Lady Gaga reportedly believed she was being followed around by the ghost of a dude named Ryan. A few months later, she told Harper's Bazaar that the late... Continue Reading →

Somaly Mam and the Dark Side of Charity

Since 1996, a non-governmental organization known as AFESIP (from the French, Acting for Women in Distressing Situations) has been working to rescue and aid young female victims of human trafficking, operating three centres in Cambodia where the young women are housed and educated. The guiding light of this effort is co-founder Somaly Mam, a Cambodian-born... Continue Reading →

A Note to Readers

Because several posts in the Prodigal Witch series touched on child abuse issues, I have been receiving many emails and comments informing me that So-and-So in Such-and-Such County is a pedophile and is actively molesting and/or abducting children.I cannot possibly stress strongly enough that this is not the place to air such complaints. If you... Continue Reading →

The Prodigal Witch XIV: Linda Blood

Seriously, hell hath no fury... Linda Blood is quite different from all the former Satanists we've seen so far. She actually was involved (very briefly) with an organized Satanic church, the Temple of Set (ToS), and after leaving it she did not become a born again Christian. She frankly admits that her time as a... Continue Reading →

The Prodigal Witch XIII: Eric Pryor

The writers at Cornerstone magazine, in exposing the make-believe story of Lauren Stratford, referred to the hoax as "Satan's sideshow". If Stratford was the sideshow, the late Eric Pryor was the whole circus. Eric Pryor in 1990 The late Eric Pryor appears to have literally crawled out of some woodwork. Suddenly, on Halloween 1990, this... Continue Reading →

The Prodigal Witch IX: Lauren Stratford Part III

continued from Part II Out of the Frying Pan, Into Another Frying Pan In the summer of 1997 a new face appeared at a support group called the Child Holocaust Survivors Group of Los Angeles. Laura Grabowski didn't share much about her background at first (she was even reluctant to identify her country of origin,... Continue Reading →

The Prodigal Witch IX: Lauren Stratford Part II

continued from Part I Unearthing the Underground In 1989, Christian authors Bob and Gretchen Passantino teamed up with Jon Trott, one of the Cornerstone magazine writers who would expose Mike Warnke's deceptions in 1991, to investigate the story told in Satan's Underground. They had been alerted to possible problems with Lauren Stratford's testimony by another... Continue Reading →

The Prodigal Witch IX: Lauren Stratford

space "Lauren Stratford" on Geraldo's 1988 TV special Devil Worship: Exposing Satan's Underground The late '80s were the golden age of Satanic panic, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that the woman known as Lauren Stratford launched that panic to a whole new level. How Lauren's Story Emerged The key part of... Continue Reading →

The Prodigal Witch Part V: Irene Park, Another Witch Who Switched

The late Irene Park is unique among the Christian converts in this series because she claimed to have been a witch for four decades, over twice as long as Doreen Irvine, before becoming a Christian minister. Her story is nearly identical to Irvine's in most key aspects, but it is far more bizarre and disturbing.... Continue Reading →

The Man Who Slew Leviathan in a Hotel Bathtub

And the other morons who slew innocent children Today my brother brought to my attention a site called Fundies Say the Darndest Things, which - as you can guess - is a compendium of quotes culled from Christian fundamentalist forums, blogs, and whatnot. I normally avoid this kind of thing. I've had many fundie friends... Continue Reading →

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