Wednesday Weirdness Roundup: Slow News Week

As the U.S. seethes with racial tension, protestors swarm the streets of Hong Kong, and missiles gut Syria, a few intrepid journos have somehow managed to ferret out the real stories... Say, does anyone remember the absurdly disappointing mystery of those invisible flying creatures known as "rods"? No? Well, let Oklahoma City's News 9 take... Continue Reading →

The Health Ranger Might Want to Kill You

             Mike "Health Ranger" Adams is on the warpath. The frequent guest host of The Alex Jones Show has enjoyed an unprecedented amount of mainstream attention this year, even appearing on Dr. Oz's TV show in May to discuss his shiny new "food lab" (where he diligently searches for trace... Continue Reading →

The Top 5 Silliest Chicken Franchise Myths

Now that the heartbreaking/enraging viral story about a disfigured 3-year-old being turfed from a KFC for "scaring the other customers" has turned out to be a likely sham, let's review some of the other kooky hoaxes and urban myths involving fast food chicken joints... 5. Clones and Chickenblobs/KFC name change Beginning in the late '90s,... Continue Reading →

Flim-Flam Friday: Chlorella

Last week I glimpsed a Facebook ad for "nature's perfect superfood", Chlorella, a freshwater green algae that grows naturally in certain parts of Asia. Every single time I hear the term "superfood", this happens: There are two reasons for that. 1. Sure, certain foods are nutrient-dense, but foods slapped with the prefix "super" usually turn... Continue Reading →

Flim-Flam Friday: A** Coffee

I first heard about coffee enemas from "Gus", a raging conspiranoid who wanted to screen The Beautiful Truth, a documentary about the German quack physician Max Gerson, in my city. You wouldn't think a film with both "truth" and "beautiful" in the title would involve squirting coffee up your butt, but Gus was adamant that... Continue Reading →

Flim-Flam Friday: Cherry Supplements

For the past few years, one of the trendiest trends in the alternative-health universe has been dietary supplements made from sour (tart) cherries. They're particularly popular with athletes and arthritis sufferers. What does the product supposedly do? Cherry supplements supposedly work as anti-inflammatories, helping to relieve joint pain and muscle soreness without the side effects... Continue Reading →

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