Top 10 Stupidest/Weirdest Jack the Ripper theories

125 years ago yesterday, the last known victim of an unknown serial killer was found stabbed and eviscerated in her dismal rented room in London's East End Whitechapel district. Over the previous two months and ten days, this man had murdered at least four other area prostitutes, desperate and impoverished women in their forties. At... Continue Reading →

Sandy Hook Truth, 9 months later

It has been about seven months since I first looked at the Sandy Hook Truth movement, an assortment of individuals who believe they have uncovered evidence of labyrinthine conspiracies behind the Newtown, Connecticut school massacre. These intrepid investigators have had nearly nine months to crack the case wide open and tell us who really did... Continue Reading →

Wednesday Weirdness Roundup: The Bogus Christian Memoir Hall of Shame

Literary fraud is an important topic at Swallowing the Camel. Whether it's middle-aged women pretending to be teen boys afflicted with HIV/AIDS (here and here), or James Cameron's BFF letting himself be snowjobbed by a lying WWII vet, or fake Holocaust memoirists, no one gets a free pass when it comes to literary misdeeds. So... Continue Reading →

Will Sandy Hook Conspiranoia Go Mainstream?

As reported last week by Salon, relatively normal people like twentysomething New Yorker Brendan Hunt are now embracing alternative Sandy Hook theories. They're harassing interviewing witnesses, searching for other gunmen, and trying to tie the tragedy to secret societies and/or the military-industrial complex in any way possible. Hunt is by no means a self-proclaimed messiah... Continue Reading →

Wednesday Weirdness Roundup: Wannabe Rappers

I have seriously lost track of the number of YouTube vids and homemade documentaries that attempt to expose the supposed links between rap/hip-hop music and the Illuminati/Satanism. Run a YT search for "sold out to Illuminati" and you'll see what I mean - there are even vids explaining how 2Pac was assassinated because he wasn't... Continue Reading →

Wednesday Weirdness Roundup

Off the Hook: Conspiracy theories about the shootings in Connecticut, if they can even be called "theories", are starting to draw attention from mainstream newspapers, websites like Salon and Gawker, and TV reporters. I've talked a little about these theories (here, here, and at Leaving Alex Jonestown), but the Sandy Hook conspiracy meme is far... Continue Reading →

Wednesday Weirdness Roundup

Fake nuns with fake Anthrax, real vampires, UN conspiranoia, hateful lies about hate speech, and Bigfoot's disgusting ancestry After years of top-secret lab work, Dr. Melba Ketchum has announced the results of her DNA analysis of alleged Bigfoot hair and tissue samples (including, perhaps, the "Bigfoot steak" that was central to the Sierra Kills hoax).... Continue Reading →

The Prodigal Witch

Tales from born again devil worshipers, Illuminati agents, and witches Intro Part I: Doreen Irvine, the original "Witch Who Switched" This unassuming English lady was a demon-possessed streetwalker and Queen of All Black Witches in Europe before being saved. Her testimony provided a template for many other accounts of Satanic evildoing. Part II: Mike Warnke... Continue Reading →

The Prodigal Witch Part XVIII: Today’s Former Satanists

The tradition continues.... Jeff Harshbarger Jeff Harshbarger is a South Carolina minister who claims he was a teenage victim of Satanic deception and demonic possession. In 2005 he published an autobiography about his years as a Satanist, From Darkness to Light: How to Rescue Someone You Love From the Occult. His Refuge Ministries educates others... Continue Reading →

The Prodigal Witch Part XVII: More Illuminati Defectors

So far in this series, we have seen two people who claimed they were born into the Illuminati (John Todd, Doc Marquis), two women who claimed they were enslaved by the Illuminati (Cisco Wheeler, Arizona Wilder), one guy who says he joined the Illuminati of his own free will (BIll Schnoebelen), and another guy who... Continue Reading →

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