Wednesday Weirdness Roundup: Stolen Imaginary Friends, Bigfoot Bears, & The Clinton Chronicles Redux

With the recent passing of British comedian Rik Myall, you might have had nightmarish flashbacks to one of the most astoundingly awful films of recent decades: Drop Dead Fred. Or maybe you had fond flashbacks, because you were one of the people who cherished that movie. But did you know that the movie's title character... Continue Reading →

Wednesday Weirdness Roundup: Detroit Bigfoot & a Possessed Mongoose

The tale of Gef, the talking mongoose, is by far one of the weirdest and stupidest incidents in the history of the paranormal. In the summer of 1931, a remote farmhouse on the Isle of Man was invaded by what initially seemed to be a pest animal. James Irving, who lived in the farmhouse with... Continue Reading →

Wednesday Weirdness Roundup: The Iceman Returneth

As you may know, The Altoona Bigfoot murder I mentioned in a previous Roundup (here) turned out to be merely Bigfoot tracks (see here) discovered by a Mr. John Winesickle. And the Winesickle tracks have turned out to be bear tracks. Meanwhile, in Utah, amateur fossil-hunter Todd May is very excited about the stupid rock... Continue Reading →

Wednesday Weirdness Roundup: Bigfoot, Smallfoot, and Another Atacama Humanoid

Another Boy from La Noria: The latest news on the Boy from La Noria (the "Atacama humanoid") is that he wasn't the first tiny child discovered in the Atacama Desert and paraded around as a sideshow curiosity. Back in the 1930s, Robert Ripley himself possessed and exhibited a 6.5"-tall human he named Atta. There's a... Continue Reading →

Wednesday Weirdness Roundup: Extra-Stoopid Edition

It's good to be back. My ThinkPad finally succumbed to a series of long-term ailments two weeks ago (Hans has a computer, but can't type with cloven hoofs. I think he just uses it for porn). I've now replaced it. So. On with the weirdness. Folks love a good feral child story. Probably because feral... Continue Reading →

Wednesday Weirdness Roundup

Fake nuns with fake Anthrax, real vampires, UN conspiranoia, hateful lies about hate speech, and Bigfoot's disgusting ancestry After years of top-secret lab work, Dr. Melba Ketchum has announced the results of her DNA analysis of alleged Bigfoot hair and tissue samples (including, perhaps, the "Bigfoot steak" that was central to the Sierra Kills hoax).... Continue Reading →

Wednesday Weirdness Roundup: UFO Stuff

Cow-blood transfusions and other achy breaky bullshit Yet again, a series of blurry-ass photos help prove the existence of Bigfoot. This is almost as convincing as the video of a blob-that-could-be-a-spaceship abducting a smudge-that-might've-been-a-cow. How can you go on denying the evidence?! And speaking of alien cow abductions, at least one UFO Casebook forum commenter/alleged... Continue Reading →

Wednesday Weirdness Roundup

Australian toilet vampires, yo. The Too Much Time on Their Hands Award goes to the group of archeology students who supposedly saw a UFO last week while digging for Bigfoot remains in Kemerovo Province, Russia. When it comes to weirdness, Henry Makow's Save the Males website is a goldmine. And today's top story doesn't disappoint:... Continue Reading →

Wednesday Weirdness Roundup

I have to ask: Has anyone noticed the effects of those teeny-tiny microchips that were supposedly injected into your bloodstream along with the H1N1 vaccine? Do you have the uncontrollable urge to, I dunno, vote Republican or watch Dancing With the Stars or anything like that? God doesn't give a crap about your health, but... Continue Reading →

Best Bigfoot Quote Ever

I couldn't possibly care less about Bigfoot, but I find Bigfoot-hunters fascinating, because they all routinely say things like this:"you do not have the right to even hold an opinion on Bigfoot unless you do field research on it" - the late Bigfoot hunter Jon-Erik Beckjord on a Snopes message boardSo let me clarify: You... Continue Reading →

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