Wednesday Weirdness Roundup: Wannabe Rappers

I have seriously lost track of the number of YouTube vids and homemade documentaries that attempt to expose the supposed links between rap/hip-hop music and the Illuminati/Satanism. Run a YT search for "sold out to Illuminati" and you'll see what I mean - there are even vids explaining how 2Pac was assassinated because he wasn't... Continue Reading →

Wednesday Weirdness Roundup: Massacre Conspiracy Theories

One of the most troubling things about wonky conspiracy theories is that they can, and do, have real-world impact. On December 18, the religious conspiracy website Revelation - which specialized in Hollow Earth theories and Biblical prophecies - posted an article titled "The Next School Massacre Target?". In it, the author embraced the theory... Continue Reading →

Wednesday Weirdness Roundup

Fake nuns with fake Anthrax, real vampires, UN conspiranoia, hateful lies about hate speech, and Bigfoot's disgusting ancestry After years of top-secret lab work, Dr. Melba Ketchum has announced the results of her DNA analysis of alleged Bigfoot hair and tissue samples (including, perhaps, the "Bigfoot steak" that was central to the Sierra Kills hoax).... Continue Reading →

The Prodigal Witch Part XVII: More Illuminati Defectors

So far in this series, we have seen two people who claimed they were born into the Illuminati (John Todd, Doc Marquis), two women who claimed they were enslaved by the Illuminati (Cisco Wheeler, Arizona Wilder), one guy who says he joined the Illuminati of his own free will (BIll Schnoebelen), and another guy who... Continue Reading →

The Prodigal Witch Part XVI: Illuminati Slaves (Part II)

Arizona Wilder For a few years, an American woman known as Arizona Wilder straddled the wavy line between Satanic/Illuminati high priestess and Satanic ritual abuse survivor, giving the impression that if Josef Mengele had not screwed with her head, she would never have presided over hideous blood rituals for the lizard people who govern our... Continue Reading →

The Prodigal Witch Part XVI: Illuminati Slaves (Part I)

The next two former Satanists both claim they were born into the Illuminati and forced, via sophisticated mind control, to take part in Illuminati rituals and government misdeeds. Like Lauren Stratford, both women claim they were victims of Dr. Josef Mengele. Their stories differ markedly from most of the others in this series, as they... Continue Reading →

The Prodigal Witch VIII: "Elaine"

space The two-for-one account of Dr. Rebecca Brown and "Elaine" plays out like every B movie you've ever seen. Satanic nurses out for blood...a marriage to the Devil...snoozy Midwestern towns run by witches...a hospital showdown between the forces of light and darkness... The "Elaine" hoax was wholly facilitated by our old friend Jack Chick, the... Continue Reading →

Wednesday Weirdness Roundup

"The Wikipediatrician", "The 10 Biggest Hoaxes in Wikipedia's First 10 Years". I like the one where the founder of Orange Julius created a shower stall for pigeons, but I notice that the really big hoaxes (like the Essjay thing) aren't mentioned. That's okay, though, because you can find most of them on Wikipedia itself.... Continue Reading →

Wednesday Weirdness Roundup

I'm sure you've heard all the Arizona shooting theories by now, but here they are anyway: Jared Loughner was a Manchurian Candidate, he's a white supremacist, he's a right-wing nut, he's a left-wing nut, and he sacrifices oranges to Satan. What's weirder than Ken Kesey insisting most of his neighbors were aliens? Damned if I... Continue Reading →

Wednesday Weirdness Roundup

On this very day, according to former NORAD officer Stanley A. Fullham's book and website Challenges of Change, there was to be "a massive UFO display over the world's principal cities." Sorry if you missed that. Pay attention next time. One commenter at Above Top Secret notes something fishy about all the media coverage of... Continue Reading →

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